5 Reasons Why I Love CPD Portfolio: Rebekah Recommends


I LOVE a CPD portfolio. I know that I am in the minority here. Let’s see if I can change your mind…

5 Reasons Why I Love a CPD Portfolio: Rebekah Recommends.

1. Telling your Story

2. Confidence Builder

3. Maximising Your Learning Opportunities

4. Demonstrating Your Impact

5. It Will Pay Off In the Long Run

1.   Telling your Story

CPD Portfolios tell a story of your career and experience and is unique to you. No two CPD folders should look the same. You can document the highs and the lows and plan where you want to grow and develop in the future.


2.   Confidence Builder  

A CPD portfolio can give you so much confidence by collecting your achievements in one place. By reflecting on your learning you can see how far you have come.


3.    Maximising Your Learning Opportunities

You attend a course or training and put the printout or course manual in your folder. It’s easy to forget about it right?


You can put a very small amount of time aside to think and reflect about what it is that you know now that you didn’t before. Why is that learning important to you, your job role, your patients/clients? What are you going to do about it now?


4.     Demonstrating Your Impact

As you develop in your career, you may find that you think more and more about how your actions have an impact on others. CPD portfolios are a great way to demonstrate your impact. Start with your patients and spread out to how you impact your colleagues, the wider team, service and community.


5.     It Will Pay Off In the Long Run

If you keep your CPD portfolio up to date regularly, you can be ready for any opportunity that presents itself. You will be ready for a job interview from that message that pops up in your inbox on LinkedIn. You will be more prepared for the chance that you are called up by the HCPC. But most importantly you will have a FOCUS. With regular reflection, you will be aware of what is next, where you want to improve and where you want to gain experience. By knowing these things, you can make it happen for yourself.


Get started with my CPD folder Checklist.

Download the checklist to get started with updating your CPD Portfolio. 👇👇👇

You can use it to get a handle on your personal development, when you start or finish a new rotation or to prepare for a job interview.

Comment below: 👇👇👇

What stops you from keeping your folder up to date? Any tips for fellow Physios?

Check out my other blog posts to help you with your CPD Portfolio:


About the Blogger:

Hi, I’m Rebekah.

I’m a Physiotherapist with a passion to support others to get to where they want to be. I love to organise and plan which, comes in handy for my mission to empower others to achieve their Physiotherapy career goals.




How to use a CPD folder for Interview Preparation.


What is a CPD Folder?