Hi There, I’m Rebekah. Most days you can find me sipping coffee with my husband and training at our local gym. I am mostly known for my love of batch cooking and our crazy bunch of animals, affectionately known as ‘The Zoo’.


People often refer to me as the organised one, always with a To Do list within arms reach.

I love serving the world by always believing that everyone is simply doing their best (Thank you Brene Brown) and meeting people where they are at.

I coach and mentor Physiotherapists who want to grow into a well rounded clinicians. They may work in an area where mentors are not readily available. Or they have big dreams but may need some extra support or guidance getting to the next step of their career.

I am lucky to empower the people that I work with to be confident in their strengths, to give them the tools to turn their weaknesses into their superpowers and show them how to make a plan to achieve their future career goals.

Want to find out more?

Do you love your job but know you would benefit from support from someone who has walked your path before?

Or are you at a crossroads in your Physiotherapy career and need support with coming to a decision or preparing for interview?

If I am talking to you —click below, tell me about yourself and let's find out if we would be a great fit to work together.

The thing that I am most passionate about in life is to use my time to raise others up so that they are not afraid to reach their full potential and smash those goals that they dare to dream of.

When I’m not busy as an MSK Physiotherapist… here are a few things you may not know: